Maida vale encourages all residents to participate in some form of recreation activity whether that includes continuing community activities or getting involved in Maida Vale’s recreation programme. Maida Vale provides its own Recreation Officers who ensure you are never idle or bored.
We do our best to cater for all interests with a wide range of activities offered from exercises, classes, cards, housie, indoor bowls and craft mornings along with church services. We arrange outings each week which include Aged Concern and regular shopping trips.
Enjoy fresh, nutritional meals prepared daily. We also cater for all special diets and requests. Our menus are dietician approved to ensure that you are receiving a well balanced diet.
We serve breakfast in your room with lunch and dinner in the dining room where you can enjoy the company of other people. Morning, afternoon tea and supper are provided either in communal lounge or conservatory or if you wish in the comfort of your room. Guests are welcome to join you in a cup of tea or meal anytime. (Costs for main meals will be incurred).
Maida Vale is well situated close to two local shopping centres which will meet your shopping requirements i.e Supermarket, Bank, Doctor, Pharmacy, Post shop and Lotto, Curves Gym, Subway, Parklands Shopping centre, Restaurants, The Warehouse and Florist. Another benefit is our close proximity to The Valley shopping centre which is home to major retail chains.
Residents have access to our physiotherapist, hairdresser and podiatrist who visit regularly. Appointments for additional health services can be arranged on request. You have the choice to continue to use your own doctor or you may choose to use our contracted local doctor who provides onsite consultations.